Númia Lactis Line Advancement in feed, reproductive, and environmental efficiency.

Product Description

Númia Lactis

The Númia Lactis Line consists of a family of mineral supplements and premixes.

Enriched with vitamins, buffers, yeasts, and other additives.

For the nutrition of all categories of dairy cattle, including heifer calves, heifers, dry cows, and lactating cows.

It includes specific lines developed for different production systems and animal performance levels.

Aims to increase productivity, improve the quality of the finished product, reproductive performance, and health of dairy cattle.

In balance with the environment.

Product Benefits

Númia Lactis

Complete mineral and vitamin nutrition.

Increased production and improved milk quality.

Proper and modern development of growing categories.

Improved body condition of animals.

Increased immunity and resistance.

Improved reproductive performance.

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products for the nutrition of your animals.