Auster Nutrição Animal Ltda., aiming to uphold integrity in its relationships with its employees and maintain a healthy work environment, free from harassment and other forms of violence, provides the website to encourage truthful and honest reports of any ethical misconduct within the company.
This channel is designed to protect the integrity of the whistleblower and, if desired, their anonymity, allowing for the reporting of any violations of ethical conduct by employees or third parties, particularly related to sexual and moral harassment.
The website is managed by Lemos Advocacia para Negócios, an independent civil society firm responsible for receiving, analyzing, and investigating reports, without any interference from Auster Nutrição Animal Ltda..
Please do not hesitate to report any ethical misconduct you may identify. If you prefer not to disclose your identity, which is your right, simply fill in the “Describe your report in detail” field and click submit.
This website is an important tool that should be used ethically and in good faith. Please do not submit false reports with the intent to harm someone. If this occurs, you may be subject to legal action.